2020 Pediatric Research Forum Session | Annual Pediatric Research Forum Sessions | University of New Mexico
Grand Round Speakers:

Rajmohan Dharmaraj, MD: “Epidemiology and healthcare utilization of Hirschsprung disease in the United States: analysis of the national inpatient sample 2009 – 2014”

Alfonso Belmonte, MD: “Effects of race and ethnicity on deviation from AAP bronchiolitis guidelines”

Megana Dwarakanath, MD, Melody Avila: “ADOBE (Averting Disparities in Outcomes by Building Engagement) Program”

Resident School Speakers:

Heather Pratt Chavez MD: “NOWS-NM Quality Improvement Pilot - Optimizing care for Neonates at risk for Opiate Withdrawal Syndrome”

Jazmin Humphreys , MD: “Transitioning from Umbilical Cord Milking to a Standard Practice of Delayed Cord Clamping in Preterm Deliveries”

Julia Martinez, BS: “The THRIVE (The Home visiting Referral quality Improvement InitiatiVE) Project”

Maria, Heubeck, MD: “Co-Development and execution of a group QI project to meet ACGME QIPS requirements in the Department of Pediatrics”

Virtual Posters submitted are listed below.


Submissions from 2020


Ambivalence in How to Address Adolescent Marijuana Use Among School-Based Health Center Providers, Rachel A. Sebastian, Lara M. Gunderson, Cathleen E. Willging, and Mary M. Ramos


An Institutional Experience With Emicizumab In Pediatric Patients With Heophilia A, Shirley Abraham, Lisa Jung, Janet Ratte, and Valerie Lowe


Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis in an Adolescent, Cynthia Carter and Nicholas Tan


A Technical Assistance Model to Facilitate Use of the School Health Index to Assess Chronic Health Condition Management in Schools, Grace L. McCauley, Sarah Sanders, Anne Marlow-Geter, and Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez


Baseline Results from the Strategic Implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in School‐Based Health Centers Initiative, Grace McCauley, Timothy Ozechowski, Julia Martinez, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, and Mary M. Ramos


Characterization of the Intraarticular Cytokine Response in Children with Septic Arthritis, Walter Dehority, Kathryn Helmig, Scott Plaster, Nathan Huff, Andrew Parsons, and Selina Silva


Cinematic Portrayal of Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Walter Dehority


Comparison of Virulence Gene Carriage in Staphylococcus aureus Isolates Colonizing Human Skin and those Associated with Soft Tissue Osteoarticular Infections, Kylie Disch, Jon Femling, Parisa Mortaji, Kurt Schwalm, Aimee Yousey, Rebekkah Varjabedian, Darrell Dinwiddie, and Walter Dehority


Effects of Race/Ethnicity on appendicitis pain management, Alfonso Belmonte, Christal Chow, Maria Heubeck, Deirdre Hill, and Harry Snow


Erlotinib Therapy For Recurrent Respiratory Paillomatosis And Extralaryngeal Spread In Pediatrics, Shirley Abraham, John Kuttesch, and Erica Bennett


Food and Housing Insecurity Screening Practices among UNMH Pediatric Providers, Crystal Avila-Schroeder, Kyle Randolph, Lorena Galvan, Ana Duran, and Maria Velazquez-Campbell


Healers of Tomorrow Zia Youth Project, Eliana Garcia, Emelia Pino, Anthony Fleg, Daisy Belmares-Ortega, Kevin Dileanis, and Talyia Torres


Improving Support Of Breastfeeding At A Baby-Friendly™ Designated Hospital In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Troy Hatfield, Connie Peceny, Julia M. Martinez, Priscilla Mendoza, Timothy J. Ozechowski, Rachel A. Sebastian, Emilie A. Sebesta, and Mary M. Ramos


Increased Incidence of Asthma in Children with Prenatal Opioid Exposure, Isabella Cervantes, Shikhar Shrestha, Sharon Ruyak, and Jessie R. Maxwell


Lamotrigine Overdose Presenting as Shock and Pulmonary Edema, Savannah P. Ellenwood, John A. Mason, Nathaniel E. Link, Robert C. Hellinga, Natasha C. James, and Anjali V. Subbaswamy


Localized Intravascular Coagulopathy of Venous Malformation Involving the Labia as a Mimic of Child Sexual Abuse: A Case Report, Leslie Strickler, Lan Anh Van-Dinh, Christopher Torrez, and Jessica Williams


Ocho Pasos: A Quality Improvement Pilot to Improve Outpatient Clinic Breastfeeding Support, Julia M. Martinez, Timothy J. Ozechowski, Rachel A. Sebastian, Emilie A. Sebesta, and Mary M. Ramos


Pathogen-Specific Neurocognitive Outcomes in Tropical Childhood Encephalitis, Christal Chow, Ashan Jayawickrama, Jithangi Wanigasinghe, Piyadasa Kodituwakku, Kurt Schwalm, Darrell Dinwiddie, John Phillips, and Walter Dehority


Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Placental Insufficiency Results in Reduced Neuronal Complexity in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex, Nathaniel Pavlik, Jessie Newville, Clement P. Jose, Suzy Davies, Jennifer Wagner, Jonathan Brigman, Daniel Savage, and Jessie R. Maxwell


Screening for and Diagnosing Malnutrition in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients, Samuel Thompson, Erin Lamers-Johnson, Kathryn Kelley, Lindsay Woodcock, Julie Long, Courtney Bliss, Jenica K. Abram, Alison Steiber, and Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez


Semmes Weinstein sensory testing at the fingertip: Should 2.83 be the norm?, Emily Moore, Ogochukwu Nwagbologu, Samantha Specht, Rebecca A. Dutton, and Patricia Siegel


The Window Ductus, a Rare Finding, and the Importance of Perinatal Echocardiography, Storm Dorrough, Gavin McCullough, and Michelle Grenier


What procedural skills are practiced by Pediatricians in New Mexico?, Christal P. Chow, Anne Greene, and Grace McCauley