Presenter Information

Bina Saklani, HNB Garhwal University


This ethnographic study based on the socio-economic survey of every Bhoxa householder (N=7000) in Garhwal region was undertaken in 2005 and 2007. We explore a variety of problems this tribal group is facing such as subsistence, education, health and hygiene, land alienation, and demands on tribal land for industrial production and commercial agriculture resulting from skewed developmental priorities of government policy. This paper analyzes the causes of growing economic and political marginalization of our tribal group and strives to find some solutions to the problem.


Oct 22nd, 12:00 AM

Surviving on margins: Dilemmas of a Himalayan primitive tribe (Bhoxas) over developmental paradigms in globalizing India

This ethnographic study based on the socio-economic survey of every Bhoxa householder (N=7000) in Garhwal region was undertaken in 2005 and 2007. We explore a variety of problems this tribal group is facing such as subsistence, education, health and hygiene, land alienation, and demands on tribal land for industrial production and commercial agriculture resulting from skewed developmental priorities of government policy. This paper analyzes the causes of growing economic and political marginalization of our tribal group and strives to find some solutions to the problem.