"Junior faculty exchange program assists mid-career clinician-educators" by J Rush Pierce Jr, R D. Smalligan et al.

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Project: Our institution requires peer-review scholarly products and an extramural reputation for promotion of clinician-educators to Associate Professor. Given a lack of robust research skill training during residency and a paucity of research mentors in our Division of Hospital Medicine, meeting these two promotion requirements has been especially challenging for many of our hospitalist faculty. We established a junior faculty exchange with other institutions in order to assist individual faculty members to gain a reputation outside of their home institutions, to develop external mentorship and career advice relationships with early career faculty, and to enhance networking and project collaborations. Methods: Participants were mid-career faculty who would gain the maximal career benefit from delivering an invited visit to an external institution and who have sufficient track record to deliver effective mentoring advice to early career hospitalists. Faculty at the late Assistant Professor level or recently promoted Associate Professors were selected by their Divisions leadership to spend one day at a hosting institution, deliver an invited grand rounds or similar didactic presentation, meet with senior leadership, and provide career advice to junior faculty. The program was reciprocal with one faculty member visiting an institution in exchange for that institution hosting a faculty member for a similar invited visit. Each institution covered the cost of travel and hotel accommodations. No honoraria were paid. Results: Over the first two years, four junior academic hospitalists were exchanged between three institutions. There was a high degree of satisfaction among surveyed visiting and visited junior faculty. Two on-going collaborative relationships and one jointly authored paper have resulted to date. Conclusion: A junior faculty exchange program assisted mid-career academic hospitalists establish extramural collaborations and meet promotion requirements that have been problematic at our institution. Implication: This relatively inexpensive faculty development program is easily adaptable by other institutions and may help generalist faculty increase scholarly activity, develop extra-institutional relationships, and achieve promotion.'


Accepted for presentation at Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Faculty Affairs, 07/18/2014, Boston, MA.
