History ETDs
Publication Date
A study of New Mexico labor legislation is a necessity because it fills a void in New Mexico labor history. There is a competent essay analyzing a selection of New Mexico’s labor laws, but it is not comprehensive and therefore lacks substantive statements about or perspective on the development of this legislation. New Mexico labor laws are also occasionally mentioned in studies of state labor legislation, but they are mentioned in catalogue fashion, and therefore serve as aids to the historian, rather than as historical studies per se. These sources do not explore the historical patterns reveled in the intent of the laws, their strengths or weaknesses, and subsequent amendments. Therefore, a study of New Mexico labor legislation brings to light information that has heretofore been latent.
Level of Degree
Degree Name
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Gerald David Nash
Second Committee Member
Donald Colgett Cutter
Third Committee Member
William Miner Dabney
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Tobias, Haven. "New Mexico Labor Legislation, 1912-1949." (1967). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hist_etds/378