History ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 4-30-2020
New Mexicans positioned defeat, surrender, and captivity at the center of their narrative of World War II and incorporated the surrender of Bataan into New Mexico’s long history of service, sacrifice, and suffering as part of the United States. During and after the war, they created rituals, spaces, and texts that made the surrender a permanent and defining feature of the state’s social, cultural, and political landscape, which challenges the prevailing victory narrative that tends to dominate public commemorations of the war. Importantly, this dissertation shifts our gaze to investigate how defeat and surrender, and the corresponding experiences of surrendered and captive men, and their families, shaped and gave texture to some Americans’ memories of war. Indeed, victory is largely absent from New Mexico’s public remembrances of World War II. Furthermore, situating New Mexico’s experience with World War II in the larger span of the state’s history enlarges the frameworks at our disposal for better understanding the ways communities’ experiences diverged during the war, and where in time and space those differences are visible.
Level of Degree
Degree Name
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Jason Scott Smith
Second Committee Member
Melissa K. Bokovoy
Third Committee Member
Durwood Ball
Fourth Committee Member
G. Kurt Piehler
New Mexico, World War II, Bataan, Surrender, Defeat, Memory
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Friot, Elena Marie. "Remembering New Mexico's War: Service, Sacrifice, Suffering, and the Surrender of Bataan in Wartime New Mexico, 1941-1946." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hist_etds/304