History ETDs
Publication Date
One of the most remarkable stories of Spanish Colonial California concerns the occupation of Alta California after some two hundred years of disinterest. A great number of present-day writers have characterized Spain's 1769 advance into San Diego as one initiated by religious motive. The pseudonym "Sacred Expedition," in fact, underscores that belief. However, this pious theme ignores the world and local situations which then existed. Although no one can deny that Father Junipero Serra and his Franciscan co-workers were singularly adept at their chosen profession, careful investigation of source material concerning this subject has brought to light information which indicates Spain's move into this formerly neglected region was precipitated by national concern. Therefore, the missionary role was, at least initially, subordinate to that of the military.
Level of Degree
Degree Name
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Second Committee Member
Third Committee Member
Donald Colgett Cutter
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Allen, Terence Michael. "A Comparative Analysis of the Military Occupation of Alta California 1768 - 1776." (1966). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hist_etds/256