History ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-26-1951
The following discussion is in part the history of nationalism in the fine arts of Mexico, as a spontaneous expression and as one artificially stimulated. Of equal concern, however, are the State's endeavors to channel nationalism by controlling the bellas artes through subsidy, decree, and law, and finally by the creation of a national institute or theater. The writer has endeavored to reveal both the advantageous and disadvantageous aspects of the government's control and to render some idea as to the extent to which cultural nationalism may forge permanent unity among the Mexicans.
Level of Degree
Degree Name
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dorothy Woodward
Second Committee Member
Hugh Milton Miller
Third Committee Member
Davidson R. McKibben
Fourth Committee Member
Josiah Cox Russell
Nationalism, Mexico, Contemporary Art, Modern Art, El Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Chuahtemoc Revival, Raul Aguiano, Jesus Guerrero Galvan
Project Sponsors
Southwest Region of Soroptimists Clubs
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Nutt, Katharine Ferris. "Nationalism: A Search for Unity, The Role of the Mexican Government in Sponsoring Contemporary Fine Arts." (1951). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hist_etds/189