History ETDs

Publication Date



The purpose of this thesis as originally conceived was an attempt to study how the South-Carolina Gazette reported the series of crises that led up to American Revolution and whenever possible, to see how the newspaper influenced the movement. The other Charles-Town newspapers of the period, the South-Carolina and American General Gazette and the South-Carolina Gazette; and Country Journal, were also studied as means of checking the coverage of the Gazette. However, the Gazette was examined more thoroughly and more painstakingly than the other journals. The plan has been followed for the most part; however, some additions were mad. Because of the importance of the Carolina Backcountry during the revolution it was deemed necessary to explore the Regulator movement and the attitude of the Gazette towards the Western Disturbance. Another addition must be noted. A newspaper, and particularly one of the colonial ear, is primarily the reflection of its publisher. Therefore, a more detailed study of the personal and professional attitude of Peter Timothy than had originally been planned, was found essential.

Level of Degree


Degree Name


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

William Miner Dabney

Second Committee Member

George Winston Smith

Third Committee Member

Ernest Warnock Tedlock, Jr



Document Type


Included in

History Commons
