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In this chapter we examine six compelling on-the-ground experiences, which are demonstrating pathways to sustainability, resilience and regeneration. Each case opens a pathway to sustainability in a key sphere of human activity: industry, development, business, agriculture, economy and politics. These experiences are creating new social imaginaries embodied in the practical forms of new politics and economics aimed at profound democratizations of human life, and towards a creative realignment of humans with the rest of the web of life. These social imaginaries are both open and encompassing. They are open in the sense that they can be filled with new possibilities and ideas, and encompassing in the sense that they recognize and build from existing systems. We suggest that the examination of lived, innovative sustainability experiences is a critical dimension for the emergence and multiplication of social imaginaries capable of responding at the scale of global crises.


Sustainability; Industrial Ecology; Development; Sustainable Business; Agroecology; Cooperatives; Participatory Budgeting; Social Imagination; Social Movements; Environment; Brazilian Landless Movement; Kalundborg Symbiosis; Senegalese Ecovillage Movement; Mondragon;
