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The University Faculty shall consist of the Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, and Instructors, including part-time and temporary appointees. The President of the University, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Research, Vice President for Business and Finance, Associate Vice President for Computer and Information Resources and Technology, Director of the Medical Center, Deans of Colleges and Schools, Dean of Graduate Studies, Dean of Students, Dean of the University College, Dean of Admissions and Records, Registrar, Dean of Continuing Education and Community Services, Director of the Center for Graduate and Upper Division Programs Studies at Los Alamos, Director of the Center for Graduate Studies at Santa Fe, Dean of Library Services, Commanding Officers of the ROTC Units, and the Secretary of the University shall be ex-officio members of the Faculty whether or not they are actively engaged in teaching.


The University of New Mexico


The University of New Mexico

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