President Frank's Administration
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Over the past nine months, we have been in the process of mapping a future picture for UNM in 2020, considering sustainable budget models, becoming a more globally relevant campus, and collaborating statewide for expanded economic development. These iterative processes have drawn on our shared knowledge; we should be proud of what has been accomplished so far. Our progress has also left me thinking, that our initiatives will not be successful if we do not also consider how to engage and motivate people — in other words, influence the change we want to see happen. No one, especially at an intellectually and socially dynamic place such as UNM, wants to feel pressured to buy in' to a plan or vision, but at the end of the day, we do have to move things forward. So how do we continue to move UNM forward, exercising our collective influence toward positive, long-term ends?'
The University of New Mexico
Language (ISO)
The University of New Mexico
Weekly, Message
Recommended Citation
Frank, Robert G.. "President's Weekly Perspective, 2/25/2013." (2013).