Foreign Languages & Literatures ETDs

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El jardín de Falerina, the producto of a joint effort by Frarncisco de Rojas Zorrilla, Antonio Coello, and Pedro Calderón de la Barca, represents a type of play that a high degree of popularity during the seventeenth century, the comedia de espectáculo y fantasia, derived, in part, from the romances of chivalry, and partly from the Italian epic poems, Orlando Furioso, by Lodovico Ariosto, and Orlando Innamorato, by Mateo Maria Boiardo.

Dated c. 1629, the comedia was privately performed on January 13, 1636 by the company of Tomás Fernández before Phillip IV and his court. There is no indication that this play has ever been printed. The manuscript, BN 17.320, is preserved in the Biblioteca Nacional of Madrid, and a microfilm copy of that manuscript is the basis for the present edition. Hopefully, a modern edition of this comedia will restore to scholars of the siglo de oro drama a text that for too long has been available only to those who have direct access to the resources of the Biblioteca Nacional. El jardín de Falerina is important to the students of the dramaturgy of Rojas, Coello, and Calderón in that it should contribute new information on the artistic development of all three dramatists, especially that of the less well-known playwright, Antonio Coello. Furthermore, students of Calderonian drama who are interested in tracing the growth of Calderón’s dramatic craftsmanship will have more readily available the text of a comedia that Calderón later recast as a zarzuela (1648) and an auto sacramental (1675), both with the same title.

Document Type




Degree Name

Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies

Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

First Committee Member (Chair)

Raymond Ralph MacCurdy

Second Committee Member

Enrique Eufrasio Lamadrid

Third Committee Member

Jack Edward Tomlins

Fourth Committee Member

Tamara Holzapfel
