Foreign Languages & Literatures ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 4-15-2018
Following Jean-Louis Baudry’s incorporation of Plato’s cave allegory into the analysis of cinematic apparatus, my approach engages in a philological analysis of the films to show that various film languages embody the potential to compel the audience into thought reflection about transcultural, transhistorical philosophical issues. Through a close reading of two filmic texts by Edward Yang, Yi Yi (2000) and Terrorizers (1986), I will argue that certain overlooked Asian films, especially in the field of film philosophy, not only serve as artistic sites for intercultural, political and social examinations but also present thoughtful and dialectical engagement with philosophical and metaphysical difficulties – reflections about urban alienation, existential angst, the search for self-knowledge and self-awareness, etc.
Edward Yang, Plato's Cave, Taiwanese Cinema, Film Philosophy, Film Language
Document Type
Degree Name
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
First Committee Member (Chair)
Katrin Schröter
Second Committee Member
Pamela Cheek
Third Committee Member
Xiang He
Recommended Citation
Bo, Ruochen. "FROM PLATO’S CAVE TO EDWARD YANG’S CINEMA: AN EXAMINATION OF FILMIC LANGUAGE AND ITS NOETIC POTENTIAL." (2018). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/fll_etds/129