Earth and Planetary Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Chemical determinations of calcium and magnesium carbonates, iron, Kjeldahl nitrogen, and sulfate with supplementary petrographic thin-section and insoluble-residue studies and differential thermal analyses were used to study a Virgilian sedimentary cycle in the upper Madera Limestone of New Mexico. In 120 meters of section 4 cycles were recognized; one of these was studied in detail. Cyclic subsidence and subsequent basin filling produced a sequence of gross environmental changes accomplished by organisms in a definite ecological succession. Biologic communities were progressively modified by the changing marine sedimentary cycle. The cycles of the upper Madera Limestone begin with a lower fusulinid claystone, followed by massive limestone that is fusulinid-bearing in the basal part. Upward, the fusulinids are succeeded by a brachiopod-bryozoan fossil assemblage. Overlying the brachiopod-bryozoan assemblage is nodular claystone and the cycle is terminated with nodular red claystone. The various fossil assemblages within the cycle are not simply depth indicators, but have a more consanguineous relationship to the variables of wave base, clastic material, distance from shore, and the phase of the marine sedimentary cycle.
Degree Name
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Roger Yates Anderson
Second Committee Member
Stuart Alvord Northrop
Third Committee Member
Sherman Alexander Wengerd
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Yale, Fred. "Petrography of a Cyclical Sequence, Upper Madera Limestone, Sandia Mountains, New Mexico." (1964). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/eps_etds/418