Earth and Planetary Sciences ETDs

Publication Date



The ion has a 6-fold coordination. The CU-polyhedron is distorted due to the Jahn-Teller effect. There is, hence, varying polarizability in each Cu-polyhedron. Also since the nature (and size) of the ligands in each Cu-polyhedron varies, the polarizability varies from one Cu-polyhedron to the next.

Light waves passing through the Cu-polyhedra cause electron polarization. Conversely the polarizing action of light waves upon the atoms is accompanied by a reaction of the atom upon the light waves. Hence, absorption of light energy is directly proportional to polarizability. This thesis demonstrates this relationship by:

l) Showing that the projection of the square-planar group of ligands around directly proportional to the mount of absorption for intensity or color. The atoms in the square planar group have the greatest polarizability in any Cu-poly­hedron, because they have the shortest bonds. Hence, knowing the pleochroism of some cupric compound, it is possible to very approximately predict its crystal structure or check the results obtained from X-ray data;

2) Showing that the specific refractive energy of Cu0 in cupric compounds is directly proportional to the amount of distortion of the Cu-polyhedra, that is, the degree of shortening of the bonds. Difficulties were encountered in expressing distortion. First the averages of the bond on the square-planar group was subtracted from the average of longer bonds, and these differences were compared to but no linear relationship was obtained. Then the average

of the difference between the longest and shortest CU-0 bond (distortion tor Cu-0), and the difference between the longest and shortest CU-OH bond (distortion for CU-OH) was compared to but ag in no liner rel tlonship wa obtained. It as then decided to calculate the weighted average of the two distortions by considering the ratio of the number of

Cu-0 and Cu-OB bond in the Cu-polyhedra. This showed a somewhat linear relation to of some other compound to predict or check its crystal structure.

Degree Name

Earth and Planetary Sciences

Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

First Committee Member (Chair)

Abraham Rosenzweig

Second Committee Member

J. Paul Fitzsimmons

Third Committee Member


Fourth Committee Member

Roger Y. Anderson

Project Sponsors

J.N. Tata Endowment, Bombay India



Document Type


Included in

Geology Commons
