Earth and Planetary Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 12-4-2019
Syn-rift igneous addition is necessary for successful continental breakup. Past investigations of passive margins have focused on strike perpendicular structure, but potential field anomalies indicate that significant crustal variations may be present. Data from 21 ocean bottom seismometers was acquired as part of the Eastern North American Margin Community Seismic Experiment and was used for tomographic inversion to create 2D velocity models of the margin that are representative of crustal structure. Crustal thickness varies along-strike from ~20 km to ~24 km and a high velocity (Vp > 7 km/s) layer is present at the base of the crust above the Moho. The high velocity layer is interpreted as magmatic addition to the margin and has a significantly variable thickness along both velocity models. This suggests that magmatic addition to the margin is more variable on smaller scales than previously thought. Additionally, a region where elevated lower crustal velocities are missing is coincident to the Northern Fracture Zone and may be evidence of long-lived segmentation.
Degree Name
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Lindsay Lowe Worthington
Second Committee Member
Brandon Schmandt
Third Committee Member
Maria Beatrice Magnani
Continental Rifting, Active Source Seismology, Eastern North American Margin, Magmatic Addition, Velocity Modeling, Ocean Bottom Seismometers
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Brandl, Collin C.. "Crustal structure beneath the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly from seismic refraction tomography." (2019). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/eps_etds/280