English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
This dissertation consists of a novella entitled The Paper Haired God. It is the story of a man named Jason who one day (after dropping his wife Akiko off at the airport to visit friends) decides to crawl into the cabinet underneath his sink. He doesnt quite understand why he crawls under the sink, just that it is something that he needs to do. Before he realizes it, he is starving and too weak to get back out. When he feels as though he is about to disappear forever, he finds himself in a large cavern. After exploring the cavern he relives a memory from his childhood where he almost drowned in the Uji River. Then he is pulled out from under the sink by his wife. After his recovery he begins to realize that the world he left when he went under the bathroom sink and the world he came back to are not the same.'
Degree Name
MFA Creative Writing
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Mueller, Dan
Second Committee Member
Brau, Lorie
Third Committee Member
May-lee, Chai
Fantasy fiction, American, Fantasy fiction--Authorship, American fiction--21st century
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Boat, Chris. "The Paper-Haired God." (2011). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/64