English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
The general theme of Twenty-two Poems is man and environment. This theme is divided into several more specific ideas--man's being defeated by the environment, man's sense of himself as defined by the environment (often an environment is the closest possible definition of its inhabitants,) and man's finally understanding the environment. The order of these ideas is the order in which the poems deal with the theme, and the general progression of poems is from despair to optimism. The first poem, "Bear," deals with a character totally defeated by environment, and the last poem, "Heuros," with a character with such complete understanding that he "transcends" environment. The poems explore the theme with some complexity, but they are designed to form a complete whole--each poem is meant to explain the others.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Gene Frumkin
Second Committee Member
Mary Jane Power
Third Committee Member
David Marcus Johnson
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Penny, Michael John. "Twenty-Two Poems." (1976). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/364