English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-12-2018
This novella and short story collection is a work of fiction, which addresses themes of love, loss, loyalty, friendship, fidelity, and self-discovery. The main novella, Triangle is a coming of age story that follows Francis, the protagonist, as he struggles to break from his childhood relationships and the role he's occupied and to decide who he wants to be on his own. "Peeling Doves" is a story about lost innocence as two young sisters face off with malice for the first time. "Strawberry Harvest" is a story about Ava, a woman who is counting on her transition into motherhood to escape from the purposeless life she detests. When she begins to miscarry her baby she must find hope within herself. "Batman" is a story about Bruce, a young man choosing to reveal the truth of his abusive childhood and shed light on the past he's tried to keep shadowed.
Degree Name
MFA Creative Writing
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Daniel Mueller
Second Committee Member
Tiffany Bourelle
Third Committee Member
Greg Martin
Fourth Committee Member
Sharon Oard Warner
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Torres, Faerl M.. "Triangle A Novella with Short Stories." (2018). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/230