English Language and Literature ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-5-2017


This work of creative non-fiction is a memoir of the writer’s experiences as a recovering alcoholic who, early in recovery, became involved with a married man in Alcoholics Anonymous while she herself was married, sparking a marital, mid-life, and identity crisis. The protagonist proceeds to break numerous taboos, both within the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and within society, leading to unhealthy enmeshment with the married man and further disillusionment with herself. Two years into her recovery, one of her children dies tragically. Her grief over the loss of her son further alienates her from both family and herself until finally, she finds herself broke, isolated and homeless. Her next move is transgressive, but paradoxically liberates her from the unhealthy entanglement with the married man and becomes a vehicle not only back to her family, but also to herself.

Degree Name

MFA Creative Writing

Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Greg Martin

Second Committee Member

Emily Black-Rapp

Third Committee Member

Lisa Chavez

Fourth Committee Member

Marisa P. Clark

Fifth Committee Member

Melina Vizcaino-Aleman




Alcoholism, Recovery, Grief, Trauma, Extramarital, Transgression, Memoir, Crisis, Nonfiction

Document Type


Available for download on Wednesday, May 13, 2116
