Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
Publication Date
It is the purpose of this study (1) to present a brief description of the development of American graduate schools and the evolution of the research and professional doctoral programs; (2) to tabulate the requirements for the Ph.D. in education and the Ed.D. at those institutions found to offer both programs; (3) to indicate the similarities and differences in the two programs; and (4) to note any practices peculiar to a specific institution.
Document Type
Degree Name
Secondary Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Bonner Milton Crawford
Second Committee Member
Chester C. Travelstead
Third Committee Member
Katherine Simons
Recommended Citation
Carter, Margaret C.. "A Comparison of the Doctoral Requirements of Forty-Four Institutions Conferring Both the Degrees of Doctor of Philosophy in Education and Doctor of Education." (1956). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/76
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Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons