Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
Publication Date
Numerous research studies have been conducted on the education of Mexican-American students stressing IQ test results, as well as cultural and socioeconomical factors. Very little, however, has been done on academic achievement of Mexican-Americans as compared to Anglo-Americans using different modes of instruction. The purpose of this research was to study the short-term achievement of Spanish and non-Spanish-speaking Mexican-American students as compared to Anglo-American students using three modes of instruction. A visual, an oral, and a performance-based mode of instruction to teach library skills was used in this study.
Document Type
Degree Name
Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
George C. Stoumbis
Second Committee Member
Charles Stoughton
Third Committee Member
William Hannaford
Fourth Committee Member
Ignacio Ruben Cordova
Recommended Citation
Bobotis, Norma Carmen. "Relationship Of Modes Of Instruction And Bilingualism To Achievement In Library Skills." (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/465
Included in
Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons