Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
Publication Date
Research has established an indirect influence between school principals and student achievement on standardized tests. This paper considers how to measure the relationships between teacher and principal perceptions of four dimensions of principal leadership in New Mexicos K-12 schools—setting a shared vision, developing a culture of learning, managing resources, and collaborating with the community—and student scaled score growth over four years on New Mexico's standards-based assessments. Using two valid, reliable survey instruments, data was electronically collected from 437 teachers and 41 principals; aggregate reading and math scaled scores were also collected for all students in these 41 schools. Based on one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and estimates of Cronbach's alpha, in this application, both instruments used to survey teachers and principals were confirmed as valid and reliable. Additionally, the two instruments appeared to provide similar information from principals and teachers, as three pairs of teacher and principal variables had statistically significant correlations. Two statistically significant relationships were identified relevant to the potential use of scaled score growth to measure school, principal, and teacher performance. First, schools with lower scaled scores in 2008 averaged more growth than schools with higher schools. Second, scaled score growth appeared to have a leveling effect, as no statistically significant correlations were observed between scaled score growth and student or school demographic variables such as percentage of English learners, student ethnicity, percentage of students with disabilities, or percentage of students qualifying for free or reduced price lunches.'
School principals -- New Mexico, Educational leadership -- New Mexico
Document Type
Degree Name
Educational Leadership
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Allison M. Borden
Second Committee Member
Arlie Woodrum
Third Committee Member
Carlos Pagán
Fourth Committee Member
Linda Paul
Recommended Citation
Weinberg, S. Michael. "Leading for Change: Measuring the Characteristics of K-12 Principals in New Mexico." (2012). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/45