Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs

Publication Date



All students, regardless of their intellectual endowment, need to be led to achieve as highly as they are able. As Allport (1955) pointed out, there are upper limits to possibilities of growth, but these limits are movable by breadth of education. Stretching toward the limit and then raising the limit are necessary activities at every level of potential and accomplishment. The individual learner does most of the work involved, but teachers and parents assist. Is there a set of behaviors or traits unique to those children who rise above their supposed limits in school achievement, a pattern of growth into which one might tr to encourage those children who function below their limits?

Document Type




Degree Name

Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Harold Dean Drummond

Second Committee Member

Laura Helen Walters

Third Committee Member

Miles Vernon Zintz

Fourth Committee Member

Frank Angel Jr
