Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-13-2025
Bullying is perceived in different ways according to the experience or training of individuals. In my practice, adults often misidentify disputes or incidents as bullying due to a lack of evidence or varying perceptions. This problem must be a theme of reflection for all stakeholders in traditional or charter schools. My study aimed to understand how teachers and parents perceive bullying in terms of social implications, cultural factors, and professional training. In my research, I provided insight into how the stakeholders in a public charter school perceive this phenomenon. The participants highlighted their perceptions and topics of communication, exclusion, and other social implications. Most parents indicated that they trust their students' teachers as the first contact to protect them. Therefore, it is essential to increase community communication for transparency and accountability to identify the reason for the communication gap in the community. School personnel must be trained to prevent, identify, and treat this problem. Future research is essential to continue investigating and combining intervention programs as well as strategies and techniques to incorporate bystanders and the vitality of professional development of all stakeholders.
Bully: An individual who intimidates or harms more than once those perceived as vulnerable. Bully helper or bystander: Individuals who do not intervene when bullies intimidate others and/or who show some agreement with the situation. Parent perception: Ideas about what a bully is based on personal experience. Traditional parent: A parent who is born in the United States. Immigrant parent: A new parent at school who is not born in the United States and who speaks English as a second language. Traditional student: A student who is born in the United States. Immigrant student: A student who was not born in the United States. Teacher perception of bullying: Ideas based on training(s) provided by the Public
Document Type
Degree Name
Educational Leadership
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Allison M. Borden
Second Committee Member
Dr. Arlie Woodrum
Third Committee Member
Dr. Frank Perrone
Fourth Committee Member
Dr. Scott Hughes
Fifth Committee Member
Dr. Nicole Montague
Recommended Citation
Perea, Ana I.. "PERCEPTIONS OF BULLYING IN A PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL." (2025). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/378
Included in
Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons