Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 5-27-1969


This study focused on two problems. The first had to do with determination of the collective functions of English super­visors. The second dealt with these functions in terms of the effect of organizational factors. A 60-item questionnaire was mailed to a list of 702 identified English supervisors. All states of the union were represented in the list. The questionnaire attempted to secure information regarding sex, age, experience, preparation, certification, jurisdictions and descriptions of supervisors and their positions. They were also asked to indicate approximate amounts of time spent in the pursuit of certain functions, which were selected from a pre-determined list of activities usually engaged in by English supervisors.

The data received from 354 (50.4%) respondents was trans­ferred to punch cards for computer tabulations. These data were interpreted in terms of an organizational model described by Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn in The Social Psychology of Organizations. In addition to establishing certain qualities and characteristics of English supervision and supervisors, the study concludes that supervision in English is directly affected by organizational factors.

The study found that the typical English supervisor is male 41-50 years old, with 6-10 years of teaching experience. His present position has existed in the district for 4-6 years and he has received little direction in the discharge of his office. His BA is in English, his master's in administration or guidance. The master's degree is his system's minimum degree requirement and he is also required to have a supervisory or administrative certificate. Heading the list of most time-consuming functions are changing the curriculum, directing the program in its on-going features, and providing in-service training for teachers. He conceives his role as advisory and spends most of his time working with teachers. The least amount of time is spent in mediation, certification and politics.

The most significant organizational influences are job descriptions, type and quantity of direction the English supervisor receives from his superiors and the authority relationship established for his position.

Document Type


Level of Degree


Department Name

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Tom Wiley

Second Committee Member

Peter Prouse

Third Committee Member

Miles Vernon Zintz

Fourth Committee Member

Roy G. Pickett
