Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-21-1976
This study was performed to determine the relationship between the Administrative Airman Qualifying Examination, class standing in professional school and quickness of promotion of Air Force Noncommissioned Officers.
The Administrative AQE was chosen for study because studies have shown it to be unreliable a predictor of success in technical training and its validity has not been tested as a predictor of success in either professional training or promotion.
The sample of subjects consisted of three hundred and forty-four Air Force Noncommissioned Officers. This sample is representative of the population of Noncommissioned Officers who have taken the Airman Qualifying Examination (AQE) and have at ended a Noncommissioned Officers Academy, and the population of Noncommissioned Officers who have taken the AQE and have been promoted to pay grades E-5, E-6 or E-7. The categories were: Leadership class graduates (Black and non-Black), NCO class graduates (Black and non-Black) and Noncommissioned Officers in pay grades E-5, E-6 and E-7 who were promoted in 1973. Because they were too few in numbers, Blacks were not treated separately. in the promoted group.
The following hypotheses were tested:
1. There is no relationship between the Administrative AQE score and final class score of Noncommissioned Officers attending the Noncommissioned Officers Academy.
2. There is no relationship between the Administrative AQE score and final class score for Black Noncommissioned Officers attending the Noncommissioned Officers Academy.
3. There is no relationship between the Administrative AQE score and final class score for Black Noncommissioned Officers attending the Noncommissioned Officers Academy.
4. There is no difference between the class scores of Black and non-Black Noncommissioned Officers attendings the Noncommissioned Officers Academy.
5. There is no difference between the Administrative AQE scores of Black and non-Black Noncommissioned Officers attending the Noncommissioned Officers Academy.
6. There is no relationship between the Administrative AQE score and time-in-grade until promotion to the next higher grade.
The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient was used to test the correlation between the following variables: Administrative AQE score and finals class score. Administrative AQE score and time-in-grade and Administrative AQE score and final class score by race (Black and non-Black). The acceptable significance was set at .05.
Document Type
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Ronald E. Blood
Second Committee Member
Richard L. Holemon
Third Committee Member
Paul A. Pohland
Recommended Citation
Pittman, Geroge McClain. "Predicting Success in Professional Training and Promotion for Air Force Noncommissioned Officiers." (1976). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/307
Included in
Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons