Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
Publication Date
With the increased accountability of educators comes the responsibility of the entire educational community to find ways in which we can help our students succeed in the classroom. In addition, it is important to discover what it takes to keep those students in school Many science teachers enter the profession unprepared to handle the regular classroom routine. Classroom management, grading, lesson planning, setting up labs, and the myriad of other obligations, can leave teachers overwhelmed and sometimes can get in the way of actually helping students be successful. This study investigated how science teachers viewed the importance of developing strong teacher/student relationships to the increase of student success in a science classroom. I attempted to answer 4 major questions: \uf0b7 How do science teachers in a select high school community view the role of interactive relationships in their classrooms and how that might impact their students? \uf0b7 How do science teachers in a select high school community believe they establish successful interactive relationships with their students? viii \uf0b7 What do science teachers in a select high school community believe are some of the outcomes of those relationships? \uf0b7 What do science teachers suggest to increase the teachers ability to form good relationships with their students? A qualitative research method was used including observations, interviews and group discussions of 5 high school science teachers in a small urban school.'
Science teachers--United States--Attitudes, Teacher-student relationships, Academic achievement
Document Type
Degree Name
Teacher Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Kathryn Watkins
Second Committee Member
K. Joseph Ho
Third Committee Member
Rosalita Mitchell
Fourth Committee Member
Teresa E. Sheldahl
Fifth Committee Member
Lucretia (Penny) Pence
Recommended Citation
Mattison, Cheryl. "The Perception of Science Teachers on the Role of Student Relationships in the Classroom." (2012). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/29