Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-9-2019


The purpose of this paper is to express the vast scope of identity literature into a practical hermeneutical framework through which to interpret both my personal identity claims and experiences and those of five individuals in New Mexico. Furthermore, it investigates the impact of such framework on educational leadership. Referring back to the work Deleuze and Guattarri (1987), I explore identity ontologically through the three lines (the line of flight, the molecular line, and the molar line) and place these within a horizontally interpreted concentric circle diagram. The line of flight symbolizes the immanent characterized by pure difference and Ideas, whereas the molecular line or zone of becoming indicates the interpretation process of these Ideas. The interpreted Ideas then become translated into concepts, operationalized through discourse, and gradually crystalized into cultures and social memory. These processes are inextricably intertwined, are highly fluid in nature, and should not be linearly approached. Given the ontological, process-oriented, poststructuralist orientation of the work, I adopt a qualitative data collection and analysis method (Maxwell, 2013). The authentic dialogue (Freire, 2000) entertained with the five participants highlights the role of art, language, memory, narration, power, and voice in the construction and deconstruction of reality and, therefore, our own positionality and identity within the world from within which we emerge. The work wraps up with practical insights and implications for educational leadership in the 21stcentury and emphasizes the creative and transformative potential of relational and dialogic leadership.


identity, educational leadership, process, narration, language, dialogue, New Mexico, Deleuze

Document Type




Degree Name

Educational Leadership

Level of Degree


Department Name

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Arlie Woodrum

Second Committee Member

Allison M. Borden

Third Committee Member

Viola E. Florez

Fourth Committee Member

Tyson E.J. Marsh
