Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of pupil IQ and sex upon the number of some immediate verbal and nonverbal reinforcements given by the teacher to the students in the regular classroom. Studies have been done which indicate some differentiation on the bases of socio-economic status and behavior. This study determined, by actual classroom observation, what differentiation in reinforcements was found on the bases of (a) pupil IQ, (b) sex of pupils, (c) sex of teachers. The relationship between verbal and nonverbal reinforcements was also investigated.
Document Type
Degree Name
Secondary Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy
First Committee Member (Chair)
Harold Dean Drummond
Second Committee Member
James Gordon Cooper
Third Committee Member
Emily Ann Reuwsaat
Fourth Committee Member
Sidney Rosenblum
Recommended Citation
Treat, Lariene Moffett. "An Observational Study of Differentiation of Reinforcement at the Sixth Grade Level." (1964). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_teelp_etds/228
Included in
Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons