Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of the is study was to investigate the effects of parent assistance upon academic achievement. The total I number of randomly selected subjects in the experimental group (parent participation) was 15. There were 17 subjects in the control group. Participating parents received instructions in the use of arithmetic materials. Sets of four tasksheets and flashcards in the basic facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, were sent home each week. In addition, participating parents were asked to complete a 10 item 91uestionnaire before and after the program in order to measure parental attitude toward assisting with academic tasks at home.
Subjects were pre and posttested using an academic battery of basic facts tests and the Arithmetic subtest of the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT).
Hypothesis one, which stated that children who received assistance from their parents on particular tasks dealing with computational skills would perform significantly better than those who did not receive additional help, was partially supported. Mann Whitney U analysis of gain scores between the experimental and control group on both the multiplication and division fact test indicated significant differences. A Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Ranks Test also indicated significance in favor of the experimental group on both the multiplication and division fact test. However, no significant differences were found between the experimental and control groups' pre and post scores and gain scores on the addition fact test, subtraction fact test, or the WRAT-Arithmetic subtest.
Hypothesis two, which stated that attitudes of participating parents would improve with regard to assisting their child with academic tasks at home as compared to non-participating parents, was not supported. No significant differences were found in an analysis of total score responses of participating and non-participating parents. No significant pre or posttest differences were found between the responses of participating and non-participating parents on any of the 10 individual items. However, in a gain score analysis (toward the predicted response) item 3 of the parent attitude questionnaire revealed a significant difference.
Findings of study indicated that parental assistance con hove on effect on an academic achievement with regard to computational skills in multiplication and division. The results also indicated that there were no significant changes in parental attitudes toward home tasks between groups of parents. However, the parent questionnaire did not seem to function as o measure of parental attitude toward home assistance with academic tasks. Apparently other variables, not measured in this study, were involved.
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Billy L. Watson
Second Committee Member
Richard Lane McDowell
Third Committee Member
Glenn Van Etten
Recommended Citation
Hamburg, Yvonne. "Effects Of Parent Participation On The Arithmeticl Computational Skills Of Fourth Grade Students." (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/71