Special Education ETDs

Publication Date



This thesis project was designed to investigate the implications of involving parents of learning disabled children in on academic objective. Academic progress was measured through the use of continuous recording procedures. The main hypothesis, stated in null form, was: there will be no statistically significant difference in the mean scores of six learning disabled subjects on specified academic behavior before and after treatment involving parents as the intervention strategy.

The research results (analyzed by the mean-median/chi-square design, P < ·.05) indicated significant difference in the mean scores of four of six learning disabled subjects. Further analysis (analyzed by the Wilcox Sign and Rank Test, P < .05) indicated significant growth in the group as a whole. It was concluded that further research in a variety of settings with a variety of subjects is needed to substantiate these results and to gain further insights concerning the effects of parental involvement in the total school process.

Document Type




Degree Name

Special Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Special Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

Henry James Pepe

Second Committee Member

Marian Shelton

Third Committee Member

Roger Lee Kroth
