Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of children's performance on the Noise Subtest of the Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock (GFW) Test of Auditory Discrimination and ratings in Classroom Disturbance and inattentive-Withdrawn from the Devereux Elementary School Behavior Rating Scale DESB.
The sample consisted of a single fifth grade class in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The class contained 29 students, but nine of these were eliminated because of auditory discrimination problems as measured by the GFW Test of Auditory Discrimination. According to the school records, none of the subjects had any significant hearing loss.
Data were analyzed with the Spearman Rank Correlation coefficient (rho). No significant relationship was found between the Noise Subtest and either Classroom Disturbance or Inattentive-Withdrawn factors of the DESB. Rho was computed for all other factors on the DESB, and no significant relationships were found. Data analysis was not computed on the individual items comprising the behavior factors because of the large number of ties.
Further study is needed to investigate the relationship of the GFW Test of Auditory Discrimination to the DESB as a whole. This study found that a large percentage of the class had serious problems of auditory discrimination as measured by the GPN Test of Auditory Discrimination, and ratings by the teacher indicated that the problem of attention in the class-room was a serious one.
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Billy Leslie Watson
Second Committee Member
Roger Lee Kroth
Third Committee Member
Marian Newman Works
Recommended Citation
Brower, Carter Gordon. "The Relationship Between Fifth Grade Children'S Performance On The Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test Of Auditory Discrimination And Ratings Of Attention Given By A Teacher Using The Devereux Elementary School Behavior Rating Scale." (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/53