Special Education ETDs

Publication Date



This study was designed to investigate: (1) differences in certain dimensions of creativity between Anglos and Chicanos; (2) differences in certain dimensions of creativity between males and females; and (3) the relationship between certain dimensions of creativity and intelligence for (a) the total group, (b) for Anglos, (c) for Chicanos, (3) for males, and (e) for females.

The general hypotheses tested were that: (1) there would be no significant differences between Anglos and Chicanos and between males and females with respect to composite creativity and the dimensions of fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration as measured by the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking; (2) that there would be no significant correlations between each of the dimensions of creativity and intelligence for the total population and its component sub-groups--Anglos, Chicanos, males and females.

Document Type




Degree Name

Special Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Special Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

Glen Van Etten

Second Committee Member

Roger Kroth

Third Committee Member

Gary Adamson

Fourth Committee Member

Miles V. Zintz
