Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
This study assessed the effects of age, sex, and learning disabilities on the direction of Rorschach ratio developmental level scores when controlling for intelligence. Also, under investigation were the relationships between the ratio developmental level score and intelligence, the overall developmental level score and intelligence, and the relationship of the ratio and overall developmental level scores to one another.
The subjects were 48 children, 19 of which were learning disabled and 29 of which were normal children. In the learning disabled group, there were 16 boys and 3 girls; in the normal group, there were 14 girls and 15 boys. The subjects ranged in age from 7.0 to 9.11. Intelligence quotients ranged from 35 to 115. Subjects were randomly selected for the normal group and drawn from an incident list in the learning disabled group.
It can be concluded that, from the sample involved in this research, age, sex, and group membership did not account for a significant percent of the variance of the ratio developmental level score. Children in the learning disabled group performed similarly to children in the normal group. No significant age trends were found.
An analysis of the data also indicated the following: (1) the ratio developmental level scoring system and intelligence were significantly related to each other with 8 percent shared variance; (2) the overall developmental level scoring system and intelligence were not significantly related to each other; and (3) the ratio and overall developmental level scoring systems were highly correlated with each other (r = + . 87, E < . 001).
The findings of this study failed to support the developmental level scoring of the Rorschach as an aide in discriminating learning disabled from normal children. Thus, the results of this study do not support a developmental lag hypothesis for learning disabled children.
Ford Foundation Graduate Fellowship for Native Americans
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Billy L. Watson
Second Committee Member
John R. Rinaldi
Third Committee Member
Marian Shelton
Fourth Committee Member
Julianne L. Lockwood
Fifth Committee Member
Candace Schau
Recommended Citation
Ritz-Londis, Louis. "Rorschach responses in learning disabled children : a developmental approach." (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/38