Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-11-2018
A convenience sample of 32 teachers (general and special education) and instructional coaches participated in professional development (PD) focused on finding, researching, and implementing evidence-based practices (EBPs) in a charter elementary/middle/high school that uses an inclusive model of special education services. Research questions addressed participants’ understandings and implementation of EBPs prior to and following the PD, as well as their reports about the PD model itself. Results indicated teachers had limited understanding of EBPs and knowledge of resources (i.e., where to find EBPs), and mixed reports of implementation prior to the PD. Throughout the study, participants reported a desire to learn about EBPs and resources available, as well as increased understanding, knowledge, and implementation of EBPs. Additionally, participants reported classroom improvements attributable to EBP implementation. A significant majority of participants expressed support for the model of PD, specifically the benefits of collaboration through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and dedicated time to research and practice implementation of EBPs. In follow up surveys, participants identified perceived barriers to continued implementation, including ongoing, dedicated time to research and practice EBPs, as well as classroom obstacles that limited consistent implementation of EBPs after the PD ended. Implications for practice and future research are included.
evidence-based practice, professional development, inclusion, coaching, professional learning community, collaboration
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Susan Copeland
Second Committee Member
Ruth Luckasson
Third Committee Member
Elizabeth Keefe
Fourth Committee Member
Jan Armstrong
Recommended Citation
Pena, Jennifer M.. "Teaching Evidence-Based Practices to Teachers." (2018). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/34