Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to investigate certain differences or similarities that exist between students presently attending a progressive school in Albuquerque, New Mexico; and students who have traditional high schools in Albuquerque, New Mexico; and students who have applied to attend Freedom High School. The latter group was comprised of students presently attending conventional high schools and former students who had already dropped out of school and were not currently engaged in a formal educational experience.
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
George Leonard Keppers
Second Committee Member
Marion Jacob Heisey
Third Committee Member
Louis Charles Bernardoni
Recommended Citation
Bertinetti, Joseph F.. "A Comparison Of Self Concepts, Values And Occupational Orientations Among Three Groups Of Adolescents.." (1972). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/110