Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the existing and desired means of communication between counselors and principals in the Albuquerque public high schools as viewed by counselors; and (2) the existing and desired means of communication between counselors and principals in the Albuquerque public high schools as viewed by principals. In this study it was hypothesized that there would be no significant difference between the existing and desired means of communication among counselors, or among principals; and that there would be no significant difference between the existing means of communication as viewed by both counselors and principals, or between the desired means as viewed by both counselors and principals. The literature reviewed stressed the importance of communication means or form in communication effectiveness. The member of social systems tend to respond to the media regardless of what the message is. Face-to-face communication in its various forms is generally the most effective means of communicating, with indirect verbal communication of next effectiveness, and written communication being least effective. In a certain instance any one means of communication might be most effective, however, considering the purpose and intent of the message and the particular circumstances. On the basis of the literature reviewed on means of communication, the researcher constructed an interview guide using open-ended questions to secure the information desired ln this descriptive study. The subjects of the study were the counselors and the principals in charge of counseling in the nine Albuquerque public high schools. A total of 54 school personnel were interviewed, 45 counselors and the 9 principals who were in charge of counseling in each of the schools. The information given in response to the "Interview Guide" was used statistically in two ways. The responses of all counselors and all principals were grouped together to provide a comparison of the communication "means" between the two groups. Answers to the descriptive questions were listed and the percentage of the counselors and administrators responding to a given alternative recorded. Differences between the existing and desired responses of counselors and principals within their own group and between the two groups were tested. The test of ꭓ2 (chi square) was computed to ascertain the probability values and to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis established in each case. From the results of the study certain conclusions were drawn concerning communication between counselors and principals in the Albuquerque public high schools at the end of the 1970-71 school year. The major conclusions were as follows:
1. Counselors and principals were using nineteen different means of communicating with one another.
2. Individual conferences, a form of face-to-face communication, was ranked as the most effective means of communication used by both counselors and principals.
3. Individual conferences and informal conversation were the means of communication most used and desired by both counselors and principals.
4. Few new means of communication were desired by either counselors or principals.
5. Both counselors and principals expressed the desire to spend more time communicating with each other than they were at present.
6. Counselors and principals spent an equal amount of time investigating communications.
7. Academic problem of students was the most frequently discussed topic of communication between counselors and principals.
8. Seventy-four percent of the counselors and principals indicated that they felt communications could be improved.
9. None of the hypothesized differences were found to be significant.
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Clifford Abe
Second Committee Member
Louis Charles Bernardoni
Third Committee Member
George Leonard Keppers
Recommended Citation
Baruth, Carroll L.. "A Study of the Communications Between High School Counselors and Principals in the Albuquerque Public School System." (1971). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/109