Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-15-2020
This dissertation is a theoretical piece that examines the positionality of white women in upholding white supremacy and a framework for critical white feminist thought that will move white women toward a self-reflexive and self-implicating praxis. A white matriarchy (Parker, 2018) is fully conceptualized as part of a powerful subsystem that operates under white supremacy. Concepts, such as a race-gender bribe and white women’s negative solidarity (Combahee River Collective, 1977), are exposed and discussed as part of the workings of white matriarchy. White emotionality (Matias, 2015), intergenerational whiteness, and antiracist parenting are also analyzed. I also suggest possibilities for resistance and forging a path out of whiteness for critical white women.
White Women, White Matriarchy, White Feminism, Intersectionality, Critical Reflection, White Emotionality, Critical White Feminist Thought
Document Type
Degree Name
Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Richard Meyer
Second Committee Member
Nancy López- Co-Chair
Third Committee Member
Mary Rice
Fourth Committee Member
Rebecca Sanchez
Recommended Citation
Parker, Amanda Joyce. "On Love and Treason: Critical White Feminist Thought for Social Justice Praxis." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_llss_etds/124
Included in
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education Commons