Individual, Family, and Community Education ETDs

Publication Date



Ability grouping in one form or another has been common practice in American schools for the past one hundred years. One of the earliest attempts to provide for children of different ability levels occurred in St. Louis in 1867 (Goldberg, Passow, and Justman, 1966, p. 2). The practice reached its peak in the second and third decades of this century. Two factors were responsible for this ascendance. One was a changing social philosophy which espoused the doctrine of education for all rather than for the preferred few. Another was the high failure rate induced by a traditional curriculum which could not meet the needs of new students from deprived social, economic, and cultural backgrounds.

Document Type




Level of Degree


Department Name

Individual, Family, and Community Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

Bonner M. Crawford

Second Committee Member

Harold Charles Meier

Third Committee Member

Charles R. Griffith

Fourth Committee Member

Horacio Ulibarri

Included in

Education Commons
