"A humanistic examination of Posttraumatic Growth in United States Mili" by Aaron J. Smith

Individual, Family, and Community Education ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 6-5-2017


Military Mental Health Stigma (MMHS) is attributed as a significant factor in the 20 suicides that occur each day by United States Military Veterans (USMVs) (Kemp & Bossarte, 2012). These negative attitudes or beliefs about mental health exist, in part, due to a dearth of research on additive gains in the aftermath of trauma, known as Posttraumatic Growth (PTG, see: Tedeschi & Calhoun, 2004). The model most often used to describe PTG by mental health counselors working with USMVs is both under-researched (Calhoun & Tedeschi, 2004), as well as, one that may be philosophically misaligned with the spirit of combating MMHS (Sagalyn, 2012). To explore new ways of understanding PTG, Hierarchical Multiple Regression was used to analyze scores on the Brief Personal Meaning Profile (MacDonald et. al, 2012) as predictors of scores on the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory – Short Form (Cann et. al, 2012), having controlled for demographics and military factors. The overall model was significant (p < .000) among diverse USMV-survivors of trauma (n=85). Implications for the knowledge-base of humanism and PTG in mental health are explored, as well as, clinical-implications for mental health professionals.


Counseling, Military, Veterans, Posttraumatic Growth, Trauma, Meaning

Document Type




Degree Name

Counselor Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Individual, Family, and Community Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

Matthew Lemberger-Truelove

Second Committee Member

Kristopher Goodrich

Third Committee Member

Carolyn Hushman

Fourth Committee Member

Tom Chavez
