Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate the curent program of student teaching for men and women physical education majors at The University of New Mexico. The evaluation was based on the opinions and attitudes reflected by student teachers and cooperating teachers who participated in the program during a three semester duration, September 1967 through September 1968. Additional information was gathered from the College of Education, the Director of Secondary Student Teaching, and the Supervisor of Physical Education Student Teaching. The investigator relied upon the standards and recommendations of professional organizations and teacher education agencies when making final judgment on the merits of the student teaching program in physical education. Seventy-two physical education majors completing student teaching on the elementary and/or secondary level and fifty-one cooperating teachers were contacted by a mail questionnaire survey. Questionnaires of fifty-four student teachers and forty-six cooperating teachers were completed and returned. The survey included two separate questionnaires, one for student teachers and one for cooperating teachers. Each was developed specifically for the current study. The questionnaire administered to student teachers consisted of two parts. Part I attempted to reveal how the student perceived: (1) the advisement and counseling of the undergraduate major; (2) field and laboratory experiences prior to student teaching; (3) self-confidence in physical education activities and other areas related to teaching; (4) the student teaching experience; and (5) the supervision by The University of New Mexico. Part II required the student teacher to rate the personal qualities and professional competencies of the cooperating teacher. The questionnaire developed for cooperating teachers posed questions relating to: (1) supervision of student teachers by the university; (2) selection of topics which cooperating teachers felt would make them more effective in their role; (3) factors that attracted and retained teachers for cooperating teacher positions; (4) remuneration and benefits received by participating teachers; and lastly, (5) a form for rating student teachers' competence in various skills and knowledges related to teaching. A sheet requesting information of the cooperating teacher's professional background was included in the survey. Certain data was reduced and statistically analyzed. The purpose of the treatments was to determine if student teachers and cooperating teachers differed in opinions; if men and women physical educators differed in opinions. The statistical results included: (1) a one-way analysis of variance on the sex of the student teacher group; (2) a one-way analysis of variance on the sex of the cooperating teacher group; (3) a one-way analysis of variance on student teachers' and cooperating teachers' ratings; (4) a factor analysis of cooperating teachers' ratings; and (5) a factor analysis of student teachers' ratings. The data derived from the two questionnaires were translated into percentages when possible. Findings are reported in summary tables and through discussion and interpretation. The findings support the following general conclusions:
1. The counseling program for majors within the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation did not suffice the needs of the students.
2. The present curriculum does not provide adequate or appropriate field and laboratory experiences for majors prior to student teaching.
3. Majors do not necessarily complete all prerequisites prior to student teaching.
4. All majors reflected a degree of confidence in all physical education activities listed in the scale. Men majors showed a high degree of confidence in their skills and knowledges of basketball, football, softball, track and field, and volleyball. Women showed a high degree of confidence in field hockey, softball, volleyball, and swimming. As a group, the majors indicated a weakness in archery, gymnastics and apparatus, golf, recreational games, stunts and tumbling, skiing, hiking, and the treatment of athletic injuries.
5. There appeared to be no conscious, directed effort in the preparation program for physical educators to cause convergence of theory and the practical aspects of teaching physical education.
6. There was dissatisfaction with the A through F grading system for student teachers.
7. There was dissatisfaction with the two-hour block program.
8. Few cooperating teachers had special training in the supervision of student teachers.
9. Cooperating teachers participate in the student teaching program willingly and look upon supervision of the growth of students as a contribution to the profession.
10. Cooperating teachers are willing to accept academic learning experiences to prepare themselves for the responsibilities of supervising student teachers.
11. There is a need and a desire for continued planned discourse between the university, the supervisor, the cooperating teachers, and the student teachers.
12. Cooperating teachers do not necessarily reinforce the theory and methods presented by the teacher training institution.
13. Students had a great respect for and confidence in the cooperating teachers.
14. The number of university staff members who supervise student teachers is inadequate.
15. Supervisory personnel are professionally qualified and possess the personal qualities required of the position.
16. There was no significant difference between the ratings of men and women majors on the level of self-confidence in skills and knowledges related to teaching.
17. There was no significant difference between the ratings of men and women cooperating teachers on the students' level of competence in skills and knowledges related to teaching.
18. There was a significant difference in the way student teachers and cooperating teachers perceived the students' skills and knowledges related to teaching.
The results of the current study indicates the need for further study of: (1) advisement procedures of physical education majors; (2) objectives and outcomes of activity courses and method courses of physical education majors; (3) laboratory experiences in the teacher preparation program of physical educators; and (4) innovations and experimentation in supervision of student teachers in physical education.
Document Type
Degree Name
Physical Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Ella May Small
Second Committee Member
Armond H. Seidler
Third Committee Member
Harold Eugene Kenney
Fourth Committee Member
Fred Hinger
Recommended Citation
Hansen, Maxine Cowton. "An Evaluative Study Of The Program Of Student Teaching In Physical Education At The University Of New Mexico.." (1970). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_hess_etds/160