Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-29-1970
Statement of Problem: Many students are excluded from participation in school athletic programs, and thus, from an opportunity to benefit from the educational experiences afforded. While playing ability would appear to be the most logical and common-sense criterion for the exclusion of certain students, a variety of psycho-social factors may also serve as important criteria upon which the exclusion and inclusion of athletes are based. To obtain information concerning the existence of such factors, an investigation was undertaken concerning player-coach compatibility and its role in cutting students from athletic squads.
The FIRO theory, developed by Schutz, is based on the premise that every individual has three interpersonal needs: inclusion, control, and affection. There are both "expressed" and "wanted" behaviors associated with each need. An individual's expressed and wanted behaviors in each need area are measured by the FIRO-B. The degree of compatibility of any two persons in each need area can be determined by comparing their expressed and wanted FIRO-B scores. Schutz states that compatible dyads are more likely than incompatible dyads to prefer each other for continued personal contact. The purpose of this study was to determine what effect differences in interpersonal need orientations between athletes and their coach had on athletic exclusion.
Document Type
Degree Name
Physical Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Lawrence F. Locke
Second Committee Member
James C. Moore
Third Committee Member
Armond H. Seidler
Fourth Committee Member
Martin Burlingame
Recommended Citation
Pease, Dean A.. "Player-coach Compatibility: A Study of the Relationship of Interpersonal Relations Orientations to Athletic Exclusion in Junior High School Baseball Programs." (1970). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_hess_etds/120