Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-18-2018
The purpose of this study was to create a database of Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) awards coded for a variety of factors and then examine those factors to determine whether they had any relationship to the outcome of the CAS awards involving athletes and doping. The initial pool of awards was downloaded from the CAS website and then each award was read and coded for certain information, specifically case name, year, date decided, division, sport, party role, party name, issue, rule applied, sex, decision, and arbitrators deciding. Once this coding was complete the result was a database of 216 CAS awards.
All awards that had doping as the issue were then selected for analysis to see what factors had a relationship with the final decision in the award. Using descriptive statistics and case study analysis, the results indicate that there are differences in award outcomes between different sports, the sexes, who the arbitrators are, and the type of doping involved, among others, suggesting some potential bias in CAS decisions. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed.
Sport law, doping, CAS, athletes
Document Type
Degree Name
Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
Level of Degree
Department Name
Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Todd Seidler
Second Committee Member
Dr. Luke Mao
Third Committee Member
Dr. Evan Frederick
Fourth Committee Member
Dr. Theodore Fay
Recommended Citation
Birren, Genevieve F.E. Esq.. "An analysis of the results of Court of Arbitration for Sport doping awards involving athletes between 1994 and 2008.." (2018). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_hess_etds/106