Economics ETDs

Publication Date



It has been said with persistent regularity that the first step to solving a problem or clarifying a perplexity is to recognize it. Of course, this is only a first step but a necessary one. We must also consider the problem in the light of the objectives we wish to attain, as well as the methods we are using to attain them. This thesis deals with a question that has been embodied in the literature for some time, indeed, since the inception of the science. It has to do with government involvement in the economic sphere and the effects of such involvement on individual economic freedom. The freedom implications of economic theory with respect to government make it mandatory to trace its evolution through the various schools of economic thought. Although our primary concern is with the contemporary conservation view and its interpretation of economic freedom, we feel the similarity between the contemporary and earlier schools warrants our historical approach to the problem.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Economics

First Committee Member (Chair)

Paul Therkildsen

Second Committee Member

David Boyce Hamilton Jr.

Third Committee Member




Document Type


Included in

Economics Commons
