Economics ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-17-2023


This work comprises five chapters. Chapter 1 presents an outline of three separate research papers, highlighting their objectives, main findings, and contributions to existing literature. Chapter 2 evaluates the impact of the Right to Education Act on children’s health and cognition in Andhra Pradesh, using the Young Lives data. We exploit the timing of the survey rounds and variations in children’s age in each round for studying the relationship. Chapter 3 studies the impact of the Clean India Mission sanitation program on children’s math and reading test-scores. Using data from the ASER surveys and from the Govt. of India, we employ causal empirical strategies and find positive changes in the outcomes. Chapter 4 examines the positive association between New Mexico’s Pre-K funding and children’s math and reading proficiency rates. For this study, we use county-level yearly data from multiple sources. Lastly, Chapter 5 summarizes the conclusions from the three papers.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Economics

First Committee Member (Chair)

Kira Villa

Second Committee Member

Matias Fontenla

Third Committee Member

Melissa Binder

Fourth Committee Member

David Stifel

Project Sponsors

New Mexico State Legislature, for the project - Early childhood programs in New Mexico: Data building and impact analysis




Pre-K, Preschool, Health, Sanitation, Education, School reform

Document Type


Included in

Economics Commons
