Economics ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-14-2020
This research aims to determine whether politically active corporations are more likely to get government contracts or likely to get more massive deals than corporations that are not politically active. The research question is, to what extent is the increase in government contracts due to the presence of corporate PACs or the amount spent by corporate PACs? In sum, we expect that the existence of PACs and the higher the corporation contributions in support of candidates for federal offices, the higher their chances of getting a contract or a more massive contract. We find that corporations that have a PAC have a higher chance of getting a government contract than corporations that do not have a PAC. Corporations that have PAC receive more dollars in government contracts than a non-PAC corporation.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Economics
First Committee Member (Chair)
Alok Bohara, Ph.D.
Second Committee Member
Wendy Hansen, Ph.D.
Third Committee Member
Matías Fontenla, PhD.
PAC, PAC spending, Government Contract
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Acharya, Bibek. "IMPACT OF POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/econ_etds/114
Updated Version