"A deployable bottom fed conical log-spiral antenna for CubeSat applica" by Anthony Ernest

Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs

Publication Date



The requirements for deployable antenna systems on micro-satellites, specifically on the CubeSat platform, are ever changing. This thesis will address the possible antenna systems that would best be deployed on a CubeSat, with the major focus on the conical log-spiral antenna (CLSA) due to its frequency independent characteristics. The antenna design will then go beyond the published works of the CLSA to introduce a new feeding concept, a bottom fed CLSA. Necessity for this feeding rises out of limited deploying capabilities of the CubeSat platform, which is significantly smaller than the proposed antenna due to frequency constraints. A scaled prototype of the bottom fed CLSA is investigated and optimized. The scaled antenna system is constructed and the results are presented.


Space vehicles--Radio antennas, Antenna arrays, Expandable space structures.

Document Type




Degree Name

Electrical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Gilmore, Mark

Second Committee Member

Tawk, Youssef
