Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-19-2024


A twelve-brick air insulated linear transformer driver (LTD) was characterized by charging to voltages ranging from 30 to 70 kV and delivering energy to two separate resistive loads. Various plasma diagnostics were built and fielded with an emphasis on the design, implementation and analysis of a Mach Zehnder interferometer, a moiré deflectometer and a spectroscopy system providing information on the temporal evolution of plasma electron density and atomic composition. Rogowski coils, XRD radiation detectors, framing camera images and time integrated DSLR images are used to further understand load conditions where current data, x ray radiation data, velocity data and instability information are the results. Finally, the study shows the creation of high energy density plasmas on the LTD in the form of diode electron emission created with weaved carbon nanotube cathodes as well as wire array experiments consisting of 25 mm tungsten x pinch, z pinch and cylindrical wire arrays.


Plasma Diagnostics, High Energy Density Physics, Anode Cathode Diode Experiments, Linear Transformer Driver, Wire Arrays, Mach Zehnder



Document Type




Degree Name

Electrical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Dr. Salvador Portillo

Second Committee Member

Dr. Edl Schamiloglu

Third Committee Member

Dr. Mark Gilmore
