"Randomly Spaced Smart Antennas" by Maialen Ciaurriz Velasco

Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs

Publication Date



The goal of this thesis is to develop adaptive array' features out of randomly spaced antenna elements. Most optimization techniques that have been presented so far for non-equidistant antenna arrays have been restricted to the analysis of symmetric or linear geometries. Several direction of arrival (DOA) and adaptive beamforming al- gorithms are implemented and analyzed for both linear and planar randomly spaced antenna configurations; such as Capon and MUSIC for direction of arrival, and LMS, normalized LMS, leaky LMS, generalized normalized LMS, RLS and variable forget- ting factor RLS algorithms for the adaptive beamforming. The advantages and disadvantages of smart antennas based on random array con- figuration are presented and discussed. Several algorithms have been investigated to study the most suitable ones for optimizing the distribution of the excitation coe- cients. The work discussed herein can be extended to space applications using a cluster of small satellites, UAVs, or any array of sensors that are not aligned together in a standard linear or planar geometrical configuration. Furthermore, the proposed approach can also be extended to standard, two-dimensional linear arrays when one or more elements fail.'


Random, Smart Antennas

Document Type




Degree Name

Electrical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Christodoulou, Christos

Second Committee Member

Martinez Ramón, Manel

Third Committee Member

Peng, Zhen
